The PodKast with Rings!

Kasterborous Doctor Who podKastThe full Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) team returns this week to discuss The Rings of Akhaten, the latest episode in Doctor Who Series 7!

Along with the main feature, we’ll be discussing Brian Terranova’s fan film shoot, James McLean will give us his thoughts on Clara’s character development and Christian Cawley will give vague answers to questions about Cold War, next week’s episode that sees the return of the mighty Ice Warriors!

We also cover the recent Sun-fuelled ratings controversy and Waris Hussein’s feelings about the “sexualisation” of the Doctor.


Kasterborous Series 3 Episode 11 Shownotes

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3 thoughts on “The PodKast with Rings!

  1. Good show guys. 🙂

    I think what Hussein doesn’t get is that, while the element of sexuality is definitely present in New Who due to the times we live in, and the Doctor gets kissed occasionally and he also flirts quite a lot, the character has still managed to maintain that asexuality he always had. Its like, he flirts because its fun, but when his flirting is misinterpreted he becomes completely flustered and uncomfortable at the idea of sex itself. A great example of this was how embarrassed he got in “A Good Man Goes to War” when Madame Vastra asked if it was possible that Melody was conceived aboard the TARDIS.

    As long as the Doctor never becomes like Jack Harkness or Capt. Kirk, as long as he’s not out to shag every girl in the universe, I think we’ll be OK.

    1. Hello loved the podcast, I think the Doctor’s interaction with his companions should be in the same manor as we treat pets, as the Eighth Doctor talked about in Scherzo.

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