Doctor Who: Cold War Review

Doctor Who Cold War

It’s time for the Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) to turn its attention to Doctor Who‘s triumphant return of the Ice Warriors in our Cold War review.

Once again without Brian Terranova, this is another two-hander with James McLean and Christian Cawley mulling over the Mark Gatiss episode, discussing the casting and the monster redesign.

But we’re not going to simply talk about the new episode – after all, the 50th anniversary episode has been shooting in London recently, and Paul McGann has been making “come and get me” noises to BBC Wales.

Oh, and then there’s the issue of scheduling. Brought to you in an unscheduled rant.


Useful links for this week’s podKast:

  • Cold War Review on Kasterborous
  • Cold War Review by Christian Cawley for Outpost Skaro
  • Could Paul McGann Be Called for 50th?
  • Is Summer Falls Littered with Series 7b Clues?
  • Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Location Reports
  • Matt Smith Hangs from TARDIS for Doctor Who 50th!

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One thought on “Doctor Who: Cold War Review

  1. I feel sorry for you guys, with Doctor who’s start time always wobbling about. Over here, its always started at a specific time. In the SyFy days though, we did have to deal with the annoyance of having a two week gap between some episodes, usually due to a holiday where SyFy would play marathons of other stuff instead,

    The more I think about the actual idea of the Ice Warrior in the suit, the more I like that they tried to make it different, rather than the old ones that looked like a humanoid with reptilian skin in a suit. I know the idea was always there from their first concept that they had cybernetic elements, but they were toned down to almost nothing to prevent them from clashing with the Cybermen.

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