The Ambassadors of Death PodKast March 4, 2015December 5, 2020Christian Cawley 5 In this week’s podKast, things are a little timey-wimey. The recommendations section is first, in which Brian A Terranova and James McLean discuss [...]
Kasterborous PodKast On Death in Heaven, Missing Episodes [UPDATED] November 12, 2014Christian Cawley 4 Well, dear listener, it’s been a tough week. Basically, we lost our Doctor Who Death in Heaven podKast recording on Monday, thanks to [...]
Doctor Who Dark Water: Series 8 Finale Splits The PodKast! November 5, 2014August 1, 2021Christian Cawley 10 Dark Water is the two-part Doctor Who Series 8 finale, featuring the Master/Missy flip, and the Cybermen. [...]
In The PodKast Of The Night… October 28, 2014June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 2 We came, we saw, we were slightly befuddled. Doctor Who Series 8 episode In The Forest Of The Night has left fans a [...]
Doctor Who Flatline Review: Flatlined, or Living Life to the Max? October 23, 2014February 27, 2021Christian Cawley 6 Is Flatline the new Blink? Was the podKast team wowed, or did bad CGI take them out of the moment? Join Christian Cawley, [...]
Mummy on the Orient Express Gives The PodKast 66 Seconds To Speak October 16, 2014September 29, 2022Christian Cawley 1 It’s time to set it straight: was Mummy on the Orient Express the best episode of Doctor Who Series 8, or has everyone [...]
Did Kill The Moon Divide The PodKast? October 8, 2014August 12, 2021Christian Cawley 9 In this week’s podKast, we chat about the surprisingly divisive Kill the Moon. Did Christian Cawley think it nonsense? Was James McLean left [...]
Doctor Who Review: The Caretaker September 30, 2014June 24, 2022Christian Cawley 2 What did you think of this week’s Doctor Who, The Caretaker, by Gareth Roberts? We liked it, and you can find out just [...]
Doctor Who Review: Time Heist S8 E5 September 23, 2014February 9, 2021Christian Cawley 1 Although not guilty of anything, the Kasterborous podKast team (with a K) were forced back together by The Teller to review Time Heist [...]
Listen! To The PodKast Review September 17, 2014June 5, 2024Christian Cawley 3 Instant classic Listen is the main focus of conversation in this week’s #Doctor Who podKast, with Christian Cawley, Brian A Terranova and James [...]