PodKast with a Series 7 Summary!

Kasterborous Doctor Who podKastIn this week’s slightly-later-than-usual podKast with a “K”, the full team of Christian, Brian and James discuss the highs and lows of Doctor Who Series 7, comparing all episodes from The Bells of Saint John through to The Name of the Doctor.

What will prove particularly interesting is just how the episodes are judged at the end, when we apply a 1960s Saturday tea time Jukebox Jury “Hit or Miss” rule to each…

Will The Name of the Doctor prove to be our favourite episode? Will The Rings of Akhaten turn out to be still loved, two months on?

Could it be that only four episodes are unanimously admired by the team?

Well what are you waiting for? Click the play button to find out!


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Incidentally, if you are listening on iTunes, please take the time to leave a rating and review and help us to bring in new listeners to the podKast! We are now offering a free wall climbing motorbike especially for you, dear listener, if you can help us to raise our profile! That’s right – you too surprise Miss Kizmet with a big hole scooped out of the back of your head!!

Yes, dear listener – you. What other podcast would give you that?

Oh and one last thing: it would seem that James’ rant in the Nightmare in Silver podKast has proved rather popular – someone, somewhere has been sharing it, to such an extent that we’ve seen a massive number of listens (three times the usual) for that single podKast!

So welcome to all of our new podKast subscribers, we hope you stick around!

5 thoughts on “PodKast with a Series 7 Summary!

  1. Nice Podcast. I have to say I disagree with your assessment of TNOTD tho. I saw it as the first part of a massive game changing 2 parter that will conclude on 23/11. And no , Im not drinking the Koolaid. I thought the seance/tea party/conference call thingy was fun . The revelation of who Clara was was expected of course. But how fun was that to see her interacting with a colourised Hartnell?Rivers appearance might have seemed unnecessary but it feels like a final farewell to her character, like her or not. Overall , I thought 7B was fun and I cant wait to see where we go from here. Keep up the good work guys. This is an awesome site.

  2. your listener here, weighing in, as if you asked:

    Bells – qualified hit – very competent ep, possibly one of the most competently executed eps of the last couple years, but kinda meh
    Akhaten – qualified miss – falls apart in retrospect, but admirably audacious
    Cold War – miss – good casting, sure, but terribly executed base under siege/horror on a spaceship style ep
    Hide – HIT – best ep in ages
    Journey to the Centre of the Tardis – qualified miss – falls apart in retrospect, disappointing Tardis ‘reveals’ (oh look the swimming pool! bluh), but great tone, SF look
    The Crimson Horror – hit – funnest ep in a while, Gatiss’s first unqualified hit for me. agree that the final act was kinduva miss, but i enjoyed it for what it was trying to be, w/c was, i think, after all, an over-the-top (i.e., penny dreadful campy) climax.
    Nightmare in SIlver – MISS – terrible, TERRIBLE execution; some good ideas, certainly, but ALL poorly developed; Smith’s acting was actually terrible, imho, & based on bad choices (why was the Cyber Planner so emotional & shouty?) – Smith can be chillingly cold & frighteningly dark, & i wish he’d played that up instead.
    The Name of the Doctor – qualified miss – oddly enough, i watched this the most times & actually enjoyed it a lot each time – oddly compelling atmosphere, i think, great as a ‘tone piece’. but, well, doesn’t really make sense does it? lots of wasted elements. i will add that i think this ep would’ve been awesome if it had been Amy’s last ep rather than Clara’s solution.

    overall, compared to 7a (which was massively audacious but poorly executed), 7b is extremely well executed, but lacks ambition/audacity.

  3. Great to have some comments on the podKast threads, as ever, so thanks GlassworX and skinnyblackcaddink.

    It’s funny how our opinions of the episodes change, really, overall, and we’ll be reflecting this in a Series 7 Reaction roundup over the weekend…

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