We’re PodKasting Live Today – Right Now!

Following the remarkable success of our first live podKast on Google Hangouts and YouTube on August 4th – scheduled so that we could commentate on the unveiling of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor – we’re running a repeat performance later today in what we hope will be the first of a regular monthly “live show”!

While we’ll have a rough outline of topics to discuss, we’ll be taking questions from viewers too so if you want to take part, you can email, tweet (@kasterborousDW) or leave a comment on the video, which will appear in the space above from 3pm (10am EST). You can also enjoy proceedings on Google Hangouts and on YouTube.

Don’t miss it – although if you do, the podKast will still be available to rewatch later. You’ll also be able to listen – as usual – on Stitcher and Audioboo, but these audio versions won’t be available until during the week.

6 thoughts on “We’re PodKasting Live Today – Right Now!

  1. Enjoyed the live podcast guys. One thing you mentioned about the lack of a trailer for the 50th, this got me thinking that the Doctor Who prom is on tomorrow, do you think they might show it after the programme finishes.

  2. Christian, James and Brian become officially the three most unpopular men in Doctor Who
    podcasting as, having seen video as the future, all other podcasters are now forced to pay for expensive cosmetic surgery.

    That could be an idea for a new podcast. “Changing Faces” will chart the cosmetic, hairstyle and sartorial makeovers undergone by DW podcasters as they prepare to convert to video.

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