The Power of the Doctor Reviewed October 26, 2022December 19, 2022Christian Cawley Comment It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for. If the recent “regeneration” trailer told us anything, it’s that The Power of [...]
The Power of the Doctor Trailer Reaction October 16, 2022December 19, 2022Christian Cawley Comment We’re just one week away from The Power of the Doctor in which Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor leaves our screens and Chris Chibnall’s time [...]
Your “Definitive” Doctor Who PLUS Ace’s Bomber Jacket October 8, 2022October 12, 2024Christian Cawley Comment As The Power of the Doctor rumbles ever closer, we take a look at a new publicity photo of Sophie Aldred as Ace, [...]
Doctor Who Commentary: The Curse of Fenric July 2, 2016February 16, 2021Christian Cawley Comment We have a mammoth podKast for you this week as Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian Terranova provide you with a minute-by-minute commentary [...]