What Makes Doctor Who Fans Create New Stuff? May 17, 2021October 13, 2021Christian Cawley Comment Brian Terranova makes Doctor Who fan films; he also collects props and cosplays. Christian Cawley and James McLean have worked on fanzines. They [...]
Doctor Who: Isolation April 29, 2020May 17, 2021Christian Cawley Comment One day, I was at Brian’s place, and we talked about making a Doctor Who fan film. It seemed like a great idea, [...]
John Guilor and Rupert Booth Talk Doctor Who Omnirumour – PLUS Orac Skiffle! December 10, 2014December 30, 2020Christian Cawley 1 Instead of just mulling over the latest missing episodes news, this week’s podKast brings in two guests, fans (who are also actors) John [...]