Doctor Who Podcast Review: Let’s Kill Hitler

Doctor Who: Let's Kill Hitler

This week James McLean and Brian Terranova discussing the brand new Doctor Who episode Let’s Kill Hitler.

You’ll find both sides of the argument here – James wasn’t impressed with the episode and the ongoing River Song story, while Brian loved it. Interesting how a show like Doctor Who can be so divisive, isn’t it?

They also chat about the Torchwood: Miracle Day episode Immortal Sins, in which we get an interesting insight into Jack’s past, much like a classic Torchwood episode…

Remember, if you enjoy the show, find us on Apple Podcasts, where your reviews will help the show considerably. And tell us what you thought of Let’s Kill Hitler.

2 thoughts on “Doctor Who Podcast Review: Let’s Kill Hitler

  1. Listening to the first part of the podkast, I’m sorry that James has become irritated with the show. I appreciate his demeanor towards others who still like it though. There was a lot of River in LKH but I do really like the character. I think this is really the first episode that’s focused primarily on her though and considering the title of the upcoming finale, I’m guessing James will not be happy! 🙂 As for the shunting aside of Hitler, I do think that the Moff did this on purpose as the whole “going back in time to kill Hitler” bit IS a joke or more to the point, a philosophical question and a story idea that’s been done to death and I think doing yet another story about this would be boring and I’ll wager that’s how Moffat saw it as well. I appreciated the several unexpected diversions and surprises. By the end of this series, River’s story will either be ended completely or it will start her time as the next companion to the Doctor, leading up to the 50th anniversary. I’m hoping for the latter.

  2. Well I’m hoping I’ll like the rest more. Wasn’t overkeen on Night Terrors, though not the intense hatred of Let’s Kill Hitler. Show’s just becoming too convoluted and self-involved in one single storyline, that doesn’t really involve the Doctor as much as a companion, a companion who I find sexless and slightly cringeworthly when she’s played up like this. But as you so rightly point out, if you don’t have an issue with River, and enjoy her, this episode would have an entirely different light to what I saw.

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