The RTD Era Sonic Screwdrivers November 2021 Edition November 2, 2021February 16, 2023Brian A Terranova Comment Brian Terranova has updated The RTD Era Sonic Screwdriver: A Compiled History. It was March 2019, when I released my first rendition of [...]
Was the Eighth Doctor Really So Different? July 5, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment With the recent success of the new series we are hearing more and more backlash from many fans about the canonical nature of [...] Pages: 1 2
Hiding to Nothing May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment It could be argued that there is no greater subject for debate, in the Doctor Who world, than the life of the Sixth [...]
Waking Up Dead May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment Never more alive was the Fifth Doctor then in the story of his death. For 99% of his tenure Peter Davison was trapped [...]
Canonicity May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment Canon – n 1: a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or [...]
Fantastic! Remembering the Ninth Doctor May 4, 2019April 1, 2022Brian A Terranova Comment “The Ninth Doctor”. One upon a time, they were words we would never hear, we thought. And then we got two! Seriously though, [...]
Invasion? What Invasion? May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment It’s Christmas day. 2:00pm (that’s 7:00pm in England). I go outside and look to the sky… nothing, so far no Invasion. Hmmm… how [...]
The Secret Diary of Doctor Who Henchman Toberman May 4, 2019January 24, 2021Brian A Terranova Comment It has recently come to our attention that Toberman, the servant of Kaftan, had kept a diary during his time on Telos. In [...]
Non-Terrain Rover May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment K-9, the Most fantastical fantastic machine with a brain there ever was. He could do anything! Unless it involved rolling over a paper [...]
Who Lotta Love… May 4, 2019Brian A Terranova Comment Doctor Who The Pop Star Why, oh why did those words ever have to come together? I’m not referring to Ms Billie Piper, [...]