PodKast Discusses Doctor Who’s Future & Communist Writer

Doctor Who and telefantasy writer Mac Hulke

Lots to get through in this week’s podKast, but amazingly we actually achieve it! Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss Steven Moffat’s assertion that the show has a guaranteed five more years, the news of the Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart eBook and a chat with Michael Herbert, writer of the Mac Hulke pamphlet, “Doctor Who and the Communist.”

Ready? Hit play!

Kasterborous PodKast Series 5 Episode 9 Shownotes

PodKast introduction by John Guilor. Theme tune by Russell Hugo.

One thought on “PodKast Discusses Doctor Who’s Future & Communist Writer

  1. You state that Dr Who never had trouble replacing its lead. To that I say The Twin Dilemma and Time & The Rani.

    Although Six and Seven are two of my favourite Doctors and they’re the best things about their respective debut stories but still, there was trouble for the show to bring in the new guy on those two occasions.

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