PodKast with a Sonic Legacy and No Series 8 Split!

Kasterborous Doctor Who podKastThis week’s podKast (with a “K”) gets in an early celebratory mood for Christmas with a selection of recommendations, a chat about Brian Terranova’s latest Sonic Screwdriver prop and a look at Doctor Who: Legacy, in a section that also chats with the game’s developers.

Perhaps most interestingly, however, is the news that Steven Moffat has assured fans that there will be no Series 8 split. While we may have to wait until August 2013 for the Peter Capaldi era to begin properly, it is at least reassuring that we will get to see him in a run of 13 episodes.

So, prepare yourself, dear listener, to enjoy the Kasterborous PodKast with Christian Cawley, Brian Terranova and James McLean!


Kasterborous PodKast Series 3 Episode 45 Shownotes

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What’s more, you can now listen and subscribe to the podKast via our Audioboo channel! Head to http://audioboo.fm/channel/doctorwhopodkast and click play to start listening. You can also comment and record your own boos in response to our discussions!

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You haven’t clicked play yet?! What are you waiting for? As well as our new Stitcher and Audioboo presence you can also use one of these amazingly convenient ways to download and enjoy this week’s podKast.

  1. Use the player in the top right of the Kasterborous home page, or visit the podKast menu link.
  2. Listen with the “pop out” player above, which also allows you to download the podKast to your computer.
  3. You can also take advantage of the RSS feed to subscribe to the podKast for your media player, and even find us on iTunes!

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3 thoughts on “PodKast with a Sonic Legacy and No Series 8 Split!

  1. All this talk of Sonic Screwdrivers , it would be nice to have a Second Doctor one , granted it’s only a pen torch but it would be cool to complete the set.

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