This week’s podKast welcomes back Colum Regan, one-time David Tennant body double who is with us to talk about his intriguing thriller, The Fly Guy. This doesn’t mean that we’re ignoring Doctor Who – far from it! James, Christian and Brian are back together to quiz Colum, offer theories and showrunning plans for Big Finish (based on the concept that they might win a nuWho licence) and generally talk about the show.
Time to hit play…!
Kasterborous PodKast Series 4 Episode 45 Shownotes
- The Fly Guy
by Colum Regan
- The Beast of Babylon by Charlie Higson
- Recommendations: Joking Apart Series 2
by Steven Moffat, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
, Broadchurch Series 1
, “Call the Doctor” by Colum Regan on his SoundCloud page, Her
(stars Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson), The Invasion
, Ripper Street, Season 3
PodKast theme by Russell Hugo.
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I still don’t understand why Missy needed to upload the consciousnessess of millions of dead people from all over time and space into a Gallifreyan hard drive. The Cybermen have never needed to do this before, why would they need it now? As far as I know, Cybermen only need brains to make more Cybermen. They don’t need a consciousness or skeletons.
I don’t understand it either. I suppose the skeletons were merely remnants of the human bodies once encased in the cyber-body, with the rest having decayed over time. I also don’t understand the point of Dark Water, the false institute, the display of the Cyber-Men at all. Especially with the aid of Missy (who possesses a TARDIS), they could’ve hid anywhere. The Cyber-Men always seem done improperly (I am only starting to watch Classic Who from the beginning, so I haven’t any of their classic stories yet), but their powers vary way too much, their motives are confusing (should be to simply convert humans in an aggressive, but not purposely evil way), and their methods of conversion all over the place. Nightmare in Silver made them overly powerful (that one Cyber-Men hit with an electric trap can suddenly up-grade all of its ilk in a moment without even that one dying), but Death in Heaven went even farther down a bad path; now, Cyber-Men can convert all the dead bodies of the planet, and can use the consciousness of seemingly every dead human ever (past and future). And plus, the Cyber-Brig atrocity. I’ve not even seen his run on the classic series yet, but after reading lots of Doctor Who wikis & news, plus watching the Sarah Jane Adventures, that seemed an offensive idea to me.
Thanks for replying! I was starting to think I was alone on this one. While I think of it, here’s something I’ve been pondering lately – Do you think Moffat is really interested in writing stories that will stand the test of time or do you think he’s more into writing stories that just seem good the first time you watch them (a sort of “fast food” approach to writing if you will)? I think under RTD he was interested in writing high quality stories, but for some reason he’s lost sight of this under his own tenure.
I can see that fast food viewpoint now that I think about it. I read an interesting review of Dark Water, where the writers analyzed the “Go to Hell” bit of dialogue. It’s a funny line, but it doesn’t work when you think about it. The joke is the difference from how the Doctor means it, and how Clara and the audience take it. But even with this ‘darker’ Doctor (who I think is a bit snide, but just as caring as any other), this line is just too insensitive and clueless. The Doctor only phrases that to make the joke work.
I feel like that’s a microcosm of some of Moffat’s work. Things are shoehorned in because they work on one level, but don’t on so many others. And I do enjoy a lot of Moffat’s work. But so much feels a mess. With Davies, I had pretty solid opinions on every episode. I loved it, hated it, thought it was okay. However, with the 11th and 12th Doctors, I find I evaluate them more scene than by episode; I have to dissect them into lesser parts because there’s always a bit of a mess in every story.